
All sites on the SE network have the following fixed close reasons:

  • Duplicate
  • Off-topic because…
    • This question does not appear to be about Ukrainian language, within the scope defined in the help center.
    • This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network…
    • {Here we have three vacant slots}
    • Other (add a comment explaining what is wrong)
  • Unclear What You're Asking
  • Too Broad
  • Primarily Opinion-Based

At the moment, we do not yet have sufficient number of closed questions to collect a reasonably solid statistics, but we need a placeholder for suggested Close Reasons.
Link, visible to moderators and high-reputation users.

What should we do

I'm planning this question to stay long-running (several months perhaps).

Please make each suggestion in a separate answer.

Please provide with solid research on closed questions explaining why the suggested reason worth adding, and why/how does it differ from the fixed ones and other suggested ones.

Do not add the Close Reasons "for future use" as they are hard to manage.

6 Answers 6


Questions that do not demonstrate an attempt to self-answer are off-topic. You can improve it by adding what you have done so far, even if it is incomplete.

Тут основна ідея — спонукати авторів запитань робити власну спробу відповісти на запитання,
яка, у свою чергу, є не волюнтаризмом з нашого боку, а бажанням точно знати контекст.
Контекст же потрібен для того, щоб мати змогу надавати відповідь саме на проблему, яку порушує автор, і не відгадувати, який із багатьох можливих контекстів автора цікавить.

Іншими словами, запитання з чітко визначеним контекстом, але без спроби самостійно відповісти — дозволені.

Можливо, варто буде прямо в тексті Off-topic Reason надати посилання на Meta-допис про словники і етимологічні словники.

  • Власне, мені особисто така ідея подобається. Але я не впевнений, що воно не буде йти врозріз із традиціями Stack Exchange.
    – Sasha Mod
    Commented Mar 24, 2018 at 8:38

Questions seeking phrases or words in English are off-topic, but you may be able to ask them on English Language Learners Stack Exchange or English Language & Usage Stack Exchange.

This is the only custom off-topic reason on Russian SE, and we had at least two questions that asked for the same.

Another question was not about English phrases, but how words of ukrainian origin should be properly spelled in English (about Kyiv/Kiev).

  • Yes, this is the first one that comes to my mind. We should probably work out some nice formulation so that the "Kiev" question were covered as well. Commented Mar 19, 2017 at 5:51
  • I think we can add here "seeking phrases, words their spelling, or other rules in English..." Though it's hard to tell if such requests will be regular in the future.
    – Artemix Mod
    Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 12:16

Questions asking for translation to Ukrainian are off-topic. Stack Exchange is not a translation service, so straight-up translation questions like "What is the Ukrainian word for ___?" or "Translate this text for me…" are discouraged. However, you can ask for finer questions that arose while you've been translating a text.

Relevant explanation:


An alternative to a similar suggestion by @Artemix

Questions seeking for translation from Ukrainian to foreign languages are off-topic. You may try posting them on relevant language sites instead.


Alternative to a similar suggestion:

Questions asking for translation to Ukrainian are off-topic unless they contain: (1) the context in which the foreign word is supposed to be used; (2) a free-word explanation of a foreign word or phrase; (3) demonstrate own attempt to answer, and (4) indicate why your own variants do not meet your needs. Stack Exchange is not a translation service, so straight-up translation questions like "What is the Ukrainian word for ___?" or "Translate this text for me…" are discouraged.

  • Questions related to translation of a foreign-language word that don't clearly clarify the meaning of that foreign-language word are off-topic because out site is devoted to the Ukrainian language (including word-choice problems), but not to other languages (interpreting words of other languages is out of the scope of Ukrainian Language Stack Exchange). For more information, see […](should write a meta-post).

    The same, but slightly shorter:

    • Questions related to interpreting words of other languages are off-topic because out site is devoted to the Ukrainian language, but not to other languages (if you're going to ask about a translation of a foreign-language word — as bare minimum you should explain how you understand that word, with usage examples). For more information, see […](should write a meta-post).

  • Questions related to related to translation of a foreign-language word that don't clearly state the context are off-topic, because the problem of finding absolute cross-language equivalents is most often unsolvable. For more information, see […](should write a meta-post).

  • (1) Please make each suggestion in a separate answer. Although all three variants address the same problem, the community should vote out two of the three. (2) A Meta-post should contain one or more answers containing its argument. The Custom Close Reason should be merely an essence of the Meta-post and its answers, which don't exist yet. This destroys the whole purpose of referencing a non-existing Meta post. (3) All in all, let's remove this Custom Close Reason candidate and write a good one (or three) based on the results of the suggested Meta post. Commented Feb 14, 2019 at 0:32

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